Monday, February 7, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Needs a Political Party Presentation

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has long rooted history and has the support of a large segment of population. On the other hand it is band and her members are arrested and jailed and sentenced for many long years. Any time when a political force exists without a presentation and worse if it is band this brings about a potential instability which leads to upheaval. Although the Muslim brotherhood had a past that can't be honored they were very much persecuted for the most part. The Muslim brotherhood has mellowed through the years and even to excess and as such they deserve full recognition including establishing recognized political party. The Muslim brotherhood although powerful they projected to have no more than 20% or 25% of seats in the legislation body at best. So the scare that they can seize power is hollow and in piratical sense during election battles they are expected very strong opponents of various walks of lives such as rich industrialists, government ministers and officials and other society illuminaries. So the talk they can sweep the Parliaments and gain control of the government is very far from reality.
So the Muslim brotherhood needs to be recognized as a legitimate political party and in the mean time its imprisoned members need to be released.

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