Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Libya Moammar El-Kaddafi was a Muslim Warrior for Islam in Africa
Libya Moammar El-Kaddafi was the only Arab or Muslim leader in world who tied friendship with many African countries to promote Islam. He helped to convert some African tribes to Islam. He built the largest mosque in Kampala, Uganda with the cooperation of the president of that country. No one else cares about propagating Islam in Africa but him. There will be great loss for the propagation of Islam after he is gone. No body else care or give it a damn.
Monday, March 28, 2011
President Barack Obama Speech Video on March-28-2011 Regarding Libya NATO Attack
Fouad Ajami Support of the Attack and Bombardment of Libya is Melancholy
Sheikh Al-Qardawi is Stupid and Ignorant When it Comes to World Affairs
Sheikh Al-Qardawi is utterly stupid, ignorant and narrow minded when it comes to international and world affairs specially when it touches Islamic nations. He is very stupid and if he shut up will be best for him when he suggested the assassination of Muamar El-Kaddafi. How stupid this gives Islam very bad image here is well known Muslim notable so called leader calling for killing. Is Islam barbaric? Shut up.
The Arab Countries are Fools and Thugs Allowing this UN Genocide against Libya

The Arab countries are nothing but fool, thugs and garbage allow such genocide against Libya. Garbage, garbage and garbage.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Syrian Revolt Troubles for President Bashar Assad
In an effort to contain spreading popular disorders against his regime, Syrian President Bashar Assad Monday, March 21, sent the 4th Armored Division commanded by his younger brother Maher Assad to suppress the three-day uprising in Darra (Deraa), capital of the southern Hauran region, and blockade the adjoining Jabal ad-Duruz where a demonstration is planned for March 26 at As-Suwada.
Earlier, he posted two expanded Syrian army brigades at Darra, where some 20 demonstrators were killed and 300 wounded by tear gas and live bullets.
Damascus confirmed army had been deployed in Darra where five more demonstrators were killed Monday in fresh anti-government unrest after smashing the statue of Hafez Assad, the president's father and predecessor. The demonstrators called on Syrians around the country to join them at a rally to mourn those who died in clashes with police over the past three days.
Earlier, he posted two expanded Syrian army brigades at Darra, where some 20 demonstrators were killed and 300 wounded by tear gas and live bullets.
Damascus confirmed army had been deployed in Darra where five more demonstrators were killed Monday in fresh anti-government unrest after smashing the statue of Hafez Assad, the president's father and predecessor. The demonstrators called on Syrians around the country to join them at a rally to mourn those who died in clashes with police over the past three days.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Syrian People Revolt Brewing Will the US Interfere Like in Libya
The middle east is in upheaval after suppression of freedom for long time.
The middle east is in upheaval after suppression of freedom for long time.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Basheer El-Asad and the Persecution of Muslims in Syria
Web News Sites of the Middle East
Amr Moussa of Egypt is Bad News
Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa, who has announced intention to run for Egypt's presidency, said Friday he would vote against the proposed constitutional amendments, in the planned referendum on March 19.
In a meeting with a number of Egyptian intellectuals, Moussa called for writing a new constitution.
In a meeting with a number of Egyptian intellectuals, Moussa called for writing a new constitution.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Qatar, Emirates to join Libya air strikes Case of Madness and Stupidity
NEW YORK — Qatar and the United Arab Emirates will join international forces set to bomb Moamer Khadhafi's forces in Libya after the UN votes to authorize air strikes, a UN diplomat said Thursday.
"There will be participation by Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. That has been confirmed at the Security Council," the diplomat, who asked not to be identified, said just ahead of the council's vote on authorizing force.
Thursday, the head of the Arab League delegation to the UN, Yahya Mahmassani, said the two countries might take part in raids, but that he could not confirm this.
Earlier, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said "there are excellent reasons to think that there will be participation by Arab countries."
The UN Security Council appeared set to authorize aerial bombardments of Khadhafi's forces to stop their push on embattled rebel units.
The resolution, drawn up by Britain, France and Lebanon and strong US input, specifically excludes "an occupation force" in Libya. And it calls on Arab nations to "cooperate" in the action.
"There will be participation by Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. That has been confirmed at the Security Council," the diplomat, who asked not to be identified, said just ahead of the council's vote on authorizing force.
Thursday, the head of the Arab League delegation to the UN, Yahya Mahmassani, said the two countries might take part in raids, but that he could not confirm this.
Earlier, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said "there are excellent reasons to think that there will be participation by Arab countries."
The UN Security Council appeared set to authorize aerial bombardments of Khadhafi's forces to stop their push on embattled rebel units.
The resolution, drawn up by Britain, France and Lebanon and strong US input, specifically excludes "an occupation force" in Libya. And it calls on Arab nations to "cooperate" in the action.
The Libya Solution Course of Action
An international convention should be held including the African Union, Arab League, Organization of Islamic Conference, all political factions in Libya. This convention should draft a new constitution for Libya for political reform including establishing of parties and an elected parliament.
Monday, March 14, 2011
No Public Demonstrations in Egypt Without Court Permit
There should be no more public demonstrations in Egypt withourt a court permit. This jungle of protests in the streets and squares are enough. They have accomplished their main objectives and got rid of Hosney Mubarak who ruled Egypt for thirty years all of it under emergency decree that resulted in mass arrest of his opponents and the share burden was on the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Copt recent invasion of the area of the television and radio headquarters and calling the building the Maspero Kineesa or Maspero church shows how the hoodlums disrupted the normal flow of traffic in front of the main street along the Nile river for more than ten days. The leaders of these gangs should appear in front of the court and sentenced.
The government should not allow such demonstrations in the future without a proper permit absolutely not.
The Copt recent invasion of the area of the television and radio headquarters and calling the building the Maspero Kineesa or Maspero church shows how the hoodlums disrupted the normal flow of traffic in front of the main street along the Nile river for more than ten days. The leaders of these gangs should appear in front of the court and sentenced.
The government should not allow such demonstrations in the future without a proper permit absolutely not.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Idiotic Arab League No Fly Zone and Short SlightnessLea
Idiotic Arab League No Fly Zone is crazy idiotic and short slighted.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
John Kerry John McCain all Jones Edging for No-Fly Zone in Libya and Possible War

U.S. Senator John Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said, "I believe that the global community cannot be on the sidelines while airplanes are allowed to bomb and strafe. A no-fly zone is not a long-term proposition, assuming the outcome is what all desire, and I believe we ought to be ready to implement it as necessary."
video Hillary
Kddafi in obile picture
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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